There The Red Sea Crisis he makes himself feel. In fact, the routes through the Suez Canal were reduced by 50% in the first week of 2024 and the option to go successfully, but the long way, from the Cape of Good Hope, the cost of shipping in the Mediterranean rose by 44%. . This is what emerges from the report of the study of the company FedespediThe National Association of Italian Shippers, who are investigating the impact of the crisis on shipping, which broke out about six months ago due to attacks by Houthi rebels on ships crossing the Mediterranean Red River.
According to Fedespedi report, the new route benefits the Mediterranean ports closest to the Strait of Gibraltar, such as Tangier (Eurokai prices recorded a growth of 26%) and Spanish ports (general growth of 12.1%). Migration is growing and the number of ports with direct services is decreasing.
The president of Fedespedi Alessandro Pitto explains that the Italian port “generally shows a decrease of 3.2% in the first quarter of 2024 which, however, also affects the lack of activity of international trade in the first two months of the year: exports + 0.6% and imports -10.4 %. We need to invest in our ability to compete in international trade, thus regaining any lost traffic share due to lost routes to our ports.”
The situation is still critical and concerns remain. In particular, regarding the Italian ports, the study highlights, among those analyzed, the progress of the ports of La Spezia (+ 8.9%), Salerno (+ 5.1%) and Genoa ( + 1.1%), while others show a negative sign, especially the Adriatic, such as Trieste, whose results affect the reduction of transshipment activities, Venice and Ravenna. In the case of delays in the arrival of ships, after the initial deterioration, the situation has improved but the rate of time in April is 54.6% compared to 62.2% in April 2023.