Toti political prisoner, how good are Hungary and Salis: so, today…

– It’s beautiful Luca Mercallifamous climatologist, one of those who are convinced that we are going extinct, a famous face of how is the weather, ran for office in a Turin municipality of 200 people and didn’t get a single vote. Zero. So, maybe, not even his. By the Pressure he said that the residents may have feared that with his election, and that of the mayor who is allied with him, they would be forced to install solar panels and similar green equipment. And so they gave him the bag, demonstrating that ideology can do nothing in the face of the servant’s accounts.

– Mercalli said: “The Greens have proposed political positions to me many times in the past, even at higher levels. But, despite knowing that I have my own constituents, I have never been an administrator of public affairs.” We have seen what “his voters” are.

– The Nobel Parisian writes fairy tales for his nephew. And he wants to let us know. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave him a degree in literature honor. In any case, you cannot deny it to anyone.

– New investigation by Fanpage this time on the young people of Youth National who give Roman salutes and sing identity songs. First note: why not infiltrate someone in the antagonistic groups, instead of always focusing on FdI? Second: Meloni is at the G7, maybe she’ll see him later, and she won’t like it. He will certainly act, as he has repeatedly asked his leaders and representatives not to side with easy attacks from the press about the return of fascism. But all in all, I believe it is easier to cleanse a youth association of certain playful tendencies than to return it to milder collective councils and various anarchos who destroy universities, beat policemen and prevent ministers from speaking.

– Democracy is that political system in which the people vote for their representatives who, by virtue of a majority established on the basis of the electoral system, go into government and hold power. This applies both when the center parties prevail and when the Democratic Party wins and also when voters choose the “right”. This brief summary is written for the benefit of Paul Gentlemen who may not have understood well how the system works, having arrived at Palazzo Chigi without going to the polling station. When he claims that a possible victory of Marine The Pen it would have “systemic effects” and would be “a deafening wake-up call”, insulted the millions of French who support RN. In a democracy, no elected representative is “a danger” if the vote is free. Meloni was also considered a plague victim and I don’t think the world came crashing down with her election.

– The proposal of Vladimir Putin for Ukraine it would be like this: we sign the ceasefire if Kiev renounces the four pro-Russian regions already annexed. Zelensky will of course say no. And that’s a good thing too, otherwise any negotiations at the peace table would be ruled out. However, in history there are very few conflicts that ended without ceding territory or with the total defeat of one of the two parties.

– The video of Biden whose attention is distracted during the parachutists’ actions is objectively alarming. Especially when you add that to the many videos in which he demonstrates that he has more than one physical ailment. It is not age that determines a president’s ability to lead the world, but the state in which he gets there. And we are not in a good place here.

Ilaria Salis it’s free. The bad Hungarians, meaning the Budapest judiciary that has been vilified by the Italian press for weeks, did well and quickly: as soon as they learned about the election in Brussels, they removed her electronic bracelet and she will be able to return home. Is everyone happy? Yes, but today an incredible paradox is revealed. While Ilaria is freed from the very evil Hungary, Italy keeps a democratically elected governor under house arrest. Let’s talk about Giovanni Toti. Why are we comparing them? Toti and Salis experience exactly the same legal situation. They are both presumed innocent. They are both being investigated. And both were placed under house arrest and otherwise. The charges vary, both in scope and severity, but both have not yet been tried for these alleged crimes. They must also be convinced of Ilaria’s presumed innocence Angel Bonelli And Nicholas Fratoianni, otherwise they would not have nominated her for Brussels to remove the chains from her wrists. Likewise, the discussion should apply to John Toti. But no. In fact, today the investigating judge rejected the request to revoke Toti’s house arrest, arguing that by ruling he could repeat the crime or taint the evidence. Legal? This, of course, falls within the powers of the investigating judge. Criticism, indeed. But that is not the point. Because today we are facing a paradox. The paradox of seeing “Orbanian” Hungary – where, according to some, the rule of law does not exist – does not hesitate to release Ilaria from prison based on her election. And on the other hand, democratic Italy where a governor, who declares himself innocent, will be deprived of his freedom based on clues and accusations that have yet to be confirmed. Dear Bonelli and Fratoianni, we well remember your anger when the Hungarian judges refused Ilaria house arrest for the first time and when they refused to release her. So the time has come to make yourself heard. For Toti.

– The investigating judge who rejected Toti’s request for release believes he can still contaminate the evidence or repeat the crime. Unthinkable. Not just because only an idiot would commit the same crime now despite the media and prosecutors on his tail. And then because Toti cannot even participate in the next electoral contests mentioned in the device, the regional ones of 2025, due to the limited number of mandates. It is inconceivable that a judge would invoke elections as a reason to deprive an innocent person, like Toti, of his freedom. Even more serious is the fact that it puts a time limit so far. And even worse is that the very act of governing, the role for which he was elected, is seen as a possible viaticum of crimes. Preventive detention should be used sparingly, in serious and obvious cases. Instead, here the investigating judge seems to put Toti with his back against the wall to tell him: either you resign, or you stay inside.

– The governor must not give up.

And neither does the centre-right majority. Because handing over to the judiciary the power to make an elected politician resign only by arresting him on the basis of clues and statements means that the democracy.

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