Switch to Green: Sustainability Tips for Forming a Lifestyle That “Embraces” the Environment | in.gr

We improve our habits, reduce our ecological footprint and create a positive impact, the change we want to see in the world.

In recent years, the terms “sustainability” and “sustainable development” have been at the forefront of public debate, and not without reason, since the serious effects of climate change, as well as the general unfavorable situation in which the planet has reached, to underline, that the time has come to act. Yes, most of the responsibility for the complex ecological problem lies with governments and industries. However, it is important that we as citizens also consider how much we contribute to this situation, and how we can effectively reduce our ecological footprint.

Because, through our choices and actions, we will gradually reverse the current situation, we will direct the attention of the state and also of businesses to a sustainable future, so that we can all carry out a coordinated comprehensive effort to protect our planet. So the question is, where do we start this “green” change? And yet, things are much simpler than we think, since changing to green with “allied” she Athens Brewery and by incorporating concepts such as “recycling”, “circular economy” and “sustainability” into our daily lives, we will become an example to follow for those around us for a better tomorrow.

So, in the following guide, we have compiled a list of tips that will help us improve our habits, save energy, water and food, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, to have a positive effect, ie the change we hope for. see in the world, not only for us, but mostly for the generations to come.

#1 We say “no” to plastic and choose recyclable materials

The first step to a more sustainable everyday life starts with replacing plastic with recyclable materials. Even if we perceive plastic as an accessible, cheap, convenient material, in fact its global production is increasing, while only a very small part of its production is recycled. This is precisely why we replace plastic with more friendly, ecological materials, such as paper, glass, metal, wood or bamboo, bioplastics (from corn starch, potatoes, straw, wood chips, etc.), materials that require less energy. and resources to produce, compared to plastic. And yet, replacing plastic with recyclable materials is a small step that will have a big impact in reducing the amount of trash that ends up in our landfills and oceans.

#2 We give beer a second life through the circular economy

To produce any package, it is necessary to consume natural resources and energy, while the longer its life cycle, the smaller the burden on the environment. Therefore, to reduce the amount of waste we produce, we prefer to buy products in bulk or packaged products whose packaging can be reused, recycled, given a second life. For example, when we enjoy one of her beers of Athens Brewery, instead of throwing the glass bottle in the trash we can return it, because about 95% of the bottles it sells are returnable. What does this mean; It means that after we return the bottle, the same bottle will be cleaned with a special process and can be reused up to 20 times, before ending up in recycling.

#3 We save water and don’t let a single drop go to waste

It is enough to think that in the European Union 11% of people suffer from a lack of water, to understand that the conservation and rational use of water must be a priority for all of us. No, we will not need to significantly change our habits, or say the water… water, to do better management. It is enough to reduce its unnecessary waste by closing the tap when we do not use the water, repairing any leaks that may exist in our home, washing our car or terrace with a bucket of water and not the hose. In fact, on the days when the water “rains”, we can collect it in large barrels that we will put in our garden or patio and use it, or better, recycle it, to water our plants with it.

#4 We find ways to save energy at home

Saving energy is not only a way to reduce the cost of our bills, but also an action that “accepts” the environment. That’s exactly why we go green by unplugging devices when we’re not using them, instead of leaving them in standby mode. Alternatively, for greater convenience, we collect them and connect them to electrical strips that have an integrated electrical switch. We choose for our home devices of high energy efficiency, that is, those that carry the A+++ mark and consume up to 20% less energy, while having a smaller environmental footprint, we replace traditional incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs that use up to 80% less energy, having a longer lifespan. In addition, good insulation, which retains heat in winter and coolness in summer, reducing the need for heating and cooling, is a good investment, which, combined with the necessary thermostats, promises us the ideal atmosphere in our home, without us burdening the. environment

#5 We say “yes” to a plant-based diet and use leftovers

A plant-based diet, as well as the reduction of unnecessary food waste, are two necessary conditions for a more sustainable lifestyle. By including more plant-based products in our diet and reducing our consumption of animal products, we significantly reduce our ecological footprint, while helping to reduce methane emissions, a gas produced by the meat and dairy industry. This particular gas strengthens the greenhouse, while it is the second most abundant man-made gas after carbon dioxide. As for the phenomenon of food waste, which has reached enormous proportions, with major social, economic and environmental effects, we can reverse it, at least in… our kitchen. How will we manage? Buying what we really need for our meals, preserving food more correctly and efficiently, turning food into new, delicious meals and vegetable or fruit leftovers into homemade broths and smoothies respectively.

#6 We replace the car with the bicycle, public transport or car

There is no doubt that traveling by bicycle or by transport has multiple benefits, not only for the environment or society, but also for our health. Using a bicycle is one of the most ecological and fun ways to travel, it reduces our carbon footprint, traffic congestion within the urban fabric, improves the air quality in the city, but also our quality of life. On the other hand, using public transport is a way to move economically, without burdening the environment or having to spend endless hours looking for a parking space in the city center neighborhoods. In any case, if the use of a vehicle is necessary for an occasion in which the whole family or friends will participate, we prefer to share our route, that is, go together in one car, saving fuel and money.

It is important to remember that the fight for the protection of the environment is a collective effort that requires the participation of all of us to be effective. Adopting habits that reduce our ecological footprint, making daily choices that actually promote a sustainable future, following the principles of the circular economy, saving resources and sustainability in general, we promote a “green” culture, we become the example that others. want to follow Let’s change green then and “join” with her Athens Brewery for a better future.

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