Summer burglary peak: big provincial differences – InFinance

The holidays are just around the corner and the Netherlands are out in droves again. Unfortunately, there’s also a less sunny trend: the annual spike in burglaries.

Figures from Interpolis show that the holiday period is also peak season for home burglars. There are big differences in the increase in house burglaries between the provinces. The insurer emphasizes the importance of prevention and taking good precautions before going on holiday.

Theft barometer

Every year during the holiday period there is a summer peak in the number of house burglaries in the Netherlands. For example, in the summer of 2023 there was a national increase of 23%, with the largest increase in the provinces of Flevoland (64%) and Utrecht (62%). The risk of theft in the east of the country was also above the national average last summer, with an increase of 30% in Gelderland and 32% in Overijssel. Fortunately, there was also good news: in Friesland and Zeeland the number of thefts actually decreased, by -19% and -10% respectively. Interpolis expects national increases this summer to remain roughly the same as last year, and is advising everyone to check the risk of theft in their own neighborhood through the Theft barometer and activate alerts on theft reports in your area.

be careful

Sjak van Nieuwkuijk, safe living expert at Interpolis: “Because it is difficult to predict where the peak thefts will take place this year, it is important to be more aware of thefts in the summer. Every day we hear from our customers about the impact of a theft on their feeling safe at home. This can be huge and should not be underestimated. There are a number of measures you can take to reduce the risk of theft at home. We always emphasize the importance of good preparation so that you can leave the house with one pleasant and safe feeling. In addition to investing in good locks, an alarm system or cameras, you can also think about your neighbors. For example, set up a neighborhood watch group with which you can notify each other and participate in neighborhood watch initiatives. .That way, there’s always someone nearby who can keep an eye on things.And, for example, ask your neighbors if they’d like to park their car in your driveway and turn on the lights around your house on a timer. This makes it look like someone is home.”

Precautionary measures

“For example, don’t share your vacation plans in advance on social media, and preferably only share vacation photos upon your return. Don’t write your address on a luggage tag, just a phone number or email address In this way, you prevent people from visiting your house with bad intentions. A safe home is the basis for a worry-free holiday and the neighborhood safe.”

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