Tony Augello’s novel covers the story of Italian fusion as seen from the South, but it is also an ancient world that should not be forgotten. For this reason we invite you to read The Snow Keeps Falling…
Some invitations cannot be refused. And so the book was born Tony Augelloedit (host a program on PadrePioTv), buy online with “Typing error” of stories. He has 3 novels in his library.
I enjoyed reading it It’s still snowing. Augello sent the editorial staff of GreenPlanner It’s definitely a topic for us. “Yes, it still snows, but less and less” was my joke.
However, sometimes in Puglia it falls too much and there are people who make a profit from it: they collect it, store it in large pits and then in the hot months go down to the valley to sell it.
The book is revealing, but beware: it is not a book on greenjobs ante litteram but a fictional account of the unification of Italy. Or: telling what happened after Garibaldi gave the South, namely Puglia in the region of Porto Rotondo, to the Piedmontese.
Reading The Snow Still Falls (Amazon editions) is in full swing and to see where the inspiration came from we went straight to that invitation…
In short, where does this book come from, Augello?
About twenty years ago, the professor to whom I applied for my jurisprudence degree invited me to enter the municipal library of my city to see if there were any interesting documents going on. among the pages of the History of Italian Law and Reforms.
The city where I am writing to you now is the same: San Giovanni Rotondo, known throughout the world for the life of San Pio da Pietrelcina. I was shocked at the request.
I depended on a common theme, which would be developed in no time. That recommendation ruined my plans. I couldn’t have imagined at that time that I would receive one of the best gifts that life has given me so far.
I support the cause, enthusiastically. In a few days I will go to the library. Between the tomes and the dust, the surprise becomes a reality. After five minutes, nothing more, I found in my hands a yellow document, written by hand, with the seal of the Italian Government, in the year 1865.
On the title page I read in a faint voice: Agreement for the sale of ice. It started like this…
A few years later I published my first novel, Cold tradingwhich they followed It’s still snowing A The ice door.
It is the history of his country with the customs and traditions of the past: how much is his cultural journey?
Writing these books for me is like being reborn in my country. I have always thought that, apart from Padre Pio, there are not many places where I grew up: I was wrong.
That historical research, even before the law, allowed me to see many sides and whole chapters of my community and my country that I did not expect to be alive. It was interesting research, and I didn’t stop.
So I realized how much creativity comes from the smallest problems and how the harsh winter in Gargano turned into unique shopping opportunities.
Some experts of the time recorded – with specific techniques – part of the snow that fell a lot and often, in the 19th century, to sell it again in the summer outside and inside the walls of the village, offering a good refrigeration system. .
Among these traders, when needed, they become experts in the cold, making ice cream and sorbet, there is a whole group of colleagues who work every day to meet the diverse needs of women and men of the time.
Many workers – such as snow plows and ice pickers – no longer exist: shipwrights (more than carpenters), knife sharpeners , rope weavers, charcoal burners, gualani, sanapiatti, soap makers, capiddhari, mammane…
All of them, in different ways and to different degrees, are masters of the slow life that are placed in the form of keep going and on its three basic rules: repair, reuse, recycle.
A company where the right things are done and nothing is thrown away. When metals cannot be reused in some way, they are melted down to make new materials; Wood, when not used for other purposes, becomes natural fuel.
The word pollution, like the word plastic, is unknown. The war is on, alas! And it was in Italy that the Second World War ended.
One of the least historical periods of our modern history, summed up by the epic of the Risorgimento in the story of the Unification of Italy. A story, if explored, can explain a lot about who we really are and why we were made the way we are.
These themes have really come between the lines of my stories. I approached them being very careful not to get sucked in by that wall paper.
I tried to put myself in the shoes of the people of that time, to ask myself questions even though I knew I couldn’t get clear and unambiguous answers. Our modern history has developed in a stratified context and on a political-economic chessboard that is very difficult to share with summaries.
Who is your regular reader?
My ideal reader is someone who shares my passion for the stories of the women and men who came before us and who gave us the world we live in and have to give to. in the hands of children and grandchildren.
Mine is an important document with the main task of giving music to the competitors of the protagonists. Here and there, some introspective flashes, some psychological nuances.
My main goal is to make words the key to moving the only time machine that we know so far: the book, a journey in space and time with a low impact on the environment and brain stimulation.
Where do you buy your books?
I published my stories with Amazon’s KDP, which can be ordered from anywhere in the world.
I made this choice for reasons related to environmental sustainability: thanks to the intelligent use of technology, the company does not produce stocks of thousands of copies that cannot be sold, it only prints copies actually sold.
To paraphrase a famous journalist of the last century: one small job for publishing, one big job for the environment!