Istat, industrial production still falls in April

For the month of AprilState estimates a 1.0% discount on scheduled notes during the period industrial production, compared to the previous month. On average for the period February-April, the decrease in production was 1.3% compared to the previous three months.

The monthly seasonal index decreased in a cyclical fashion for capital goods (-0.1%), intermediate goods (-1.2%) and energy (-2.1%) while goods remained stable.

Net of the calendar effect, in April 2024 the total index recorded a decrease in the trend of 2.9% (20 calendar days compared to 18 in April 2023). A sharp decline characterizes all sectors: the reduction is less pronounced for intermediate goods (-2.1%), while it is important for capital goods (-3.1%), for energy (-3.6%) and goods (-3.9%).

The sector of economic activity recording the greatest increase was the production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (+4.4%), the food, beverage and tobacco industry (+2.1%) and the manufacture of computers and electronic products (+ 1.4). %). The biggest declines were recorded in the textile, clothing, leather and accessories industry (-13.3%), in the transport industry (-9.3%) and in the production of coke and petroleum products (-8.1%).

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