Skip exclusive to Bank Profile and another attempt (they reached six) to sell the institution controlled by the former banker of Capitalia is fuming. Matteo Arpe through Arepo, vehicle of the Sator fund.
According to what was conveyed by the same institute led by Fabio Candelli«the process of selecting a possible buyer of the stake held by the parent company Arepo in the share capital of Bank Profile continues in the absence of exclusivity constraints””.
As revealed by MF-Milano Finanza at the beginning of July, Barents King (reinsurer based in Panama) – in partnership with Lmdv Capital, the family office of Leonardo Maria Del Vecchio – has signed an exclusive deal until July 30th with Arepo. Deadline after which Barents must submit a valid offer for 62.4% of Profilo.
Now the search for a new potential buyer is reopened. Barents Re and Lmdv enlisted as advisors for the industrial side of the operation Oliver Wyman. (All rights reserved)